After almost twenty years, Mitraspera, with all its colourful content, hast grown into a lively community project unparalleled in the German LARPing scene. From the combination of large and small events, the larger campaign, letter and forum game, something unique has emerged: a common world that allows us to experience a cohesive, immersive background full of adventures and great stories all year round. Hundreds of individual perspectives result in a large, shared narrative, in which there is room for huge and small, down-to-earth and highly fantastic stories that unfold between the players’ characters and the world in which they live.
It is important to us that our jointly created game world can continue to be used by everyone. It should be available to anyone who wants to use it. The consistency of the world should be preserved and at the same time a transparent balance should be found – between respect for the existing material and openness to new, necessary, and enriching developments. For us, the world Mitraspera is and always has been a joint project that we developed together and in which everyone has a share. Since this project was created and maintained jointly, it is also important to us that everyone can be part of it and use the content – for LARP events, songs, poems, pictures, stories, free forum play, etc. It is also important to us that the community of authors as creator of the content continues to be seen as its originator and may be part of its further development and, above all, use.
Since the emergence of our hobby, there has been a trade-off between the companies that organise live role-playing games with a “commercial” touch and the volunteers. We believe that live role playing can only be as varied and great as it is in the world of Mitraspera when many people contribute their creativity, diligence, ideas and support. But large events also need the professionalism of a LARP organiser with full-time, paid employees. And even if the major events may give the impression that the companies are making a large profit, after deducting the costs for location, logistics, sanitary facilities, team support, and personnel, the overhead usually only covers the basics like offices, props, and running costs. Only in the rarest cases has someone actually gotten rich through organising LARPs. The hobby community should be grateful that there are entrepreneurs who support and promote the hobby with their skills. The trade-off often arises where voluntary and full-time structures clash: Due to different approaches and mindsets, appreciation and gratitude for volunteer “work” may sometimes be found wanting and this may lead to a feelong of the company “stuffing their pockets” on the backs of their volunteers.
The association’s statutes and basic principles are therefore designed for constructive cooperation with all those involved and for fair, transparent, and respectful communication. We strive to be a link between those involved and to mediate between them if necessary.